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Lynsey works strictly under veterinary referral and can provide a full report to your animals supervising veterinary surgeon as frequently as they would like, to keep them up to date on each animals progress. 

If you're a Vet and would like to refer a client onto us for physiotherapy, then please download our referral form and return it to us at


Alternatively you can fill out the form below which we will receive instantly.

Alternatively, if you'd like more information about who we are and the types of treatments we carry out that aren't answered on this website then click below. 

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Referral Form for Veterinary Surgeons

By completing the form below, you are confirming that this animal is suitable for physiotherapy treatment and are providing up to date clinical history. 

Has your patient any of the following conditions? (check all applicable)
Upload Document

Please note that Veterinary Physiotherapy is not a replacement for Veterinary Medical treatment by your Vet. Also, no treatment can be administered by a Veterinary Physiotherapist without permission by your Vet. 

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